

MobaXterm provides a way to ssh into the CRC resources and provides a built in file transfer mechanism. It is reccomended over older connection application such as PuTTY.


  1. Go to:

  2. Click ‘Download’.

  1. Choose an edition to download. We suggest downloading the portable version.

  2. Save the file.

  3. Extract all files and run the executable!

Connecting to SSH

To create an ssh session first click on ‘Sessions’ tab.


Then select ‘New session’ and click on ‘SSH’


Fill in the necessary information for system and your username.



For the remote host, you may choose any of our front-end machines.

A terminal should be displayed, and you will be prompted to enter your password.


You are now connected!

Relaunching Saved Sessions

When you first launch MobaXterm, you should see your saved sessions on the left side. You can also access them from the sessions tab highlighted below.


Searching for A String/Text in A Terminal

From ‘Terminal’ tab, click on ‘Find in terminal’. It will open a window where you can enter the text you want to find.

Saving Terminal Output

You may choose to print, save, or screenshot the terminal. Simply, click on ‘Terminal’ tab. Then you can choose to perform any of the above techniques.

File Transfers

Downloading From AFS

To download a file from your AFS space to your local machine, select a file from the browser on the left, then click on the ‘download’ icon highlighted below.


Uploading to AFS

To upload a file from your local machine to your AFS space, click on the upload icon highlighted below, then select a file to upload.


Running A Module with GUI

  • Load the module you wish to use, for our example ‘matlab’.

  • Launch the module you loaded.

  • You are good to go!
