.. _help: ############################################################### Getting Help ############################################################### Run into an issue or have a question related to the CRC's services / infrastructure? We're here to help! Having desktop, laptop, or workstation problems? Contact your department's IT staff member or ESC help@esc.nd.edu. Steps to Getting Help =============================== When you first come across an issue: * Check the documentation on this site (if possible) regarding the piece of software you're using or the action you're trying to perform. You can search using the box in the upper left. * Check the :ref:`faq` located on the left toolbar. * Ensure all syntax within your job script and source code, CRC Staff cannot debug your source code for you. * For :ref:`python`, try installing and using the `pudb `__ debugger. * For C, C++, Python, Fortran, load the :ref:`arm` module and use `ddt `__. ................................................... Setting up an Appointment ------------------------------- After exhausting the steps above, it's time to setup an appointment. The CRC User support staff offer walk in support and phone support, however it is best to schedule an appointment via email. This will ensure an engineer will be available to help you and have a chance to look over your issues beforehand. * Send an email to crcsupport@nd.edu describing your issue. * Include the path to any files you're using within AFS, including: * Job script, any driver scripts, source code files, etc. For example:: ~/research/program/stuff/ * Include any error codes or messages you've seen. * Include your availability for a meeting (preferred days/times). A User Support Engineer will respond and confirm an appointment time and location. User Support Location ------------------------------- The User Support offices are located on the 8th floor of Flanner Hall. Proceed through two sets of doors to the right after leaving the elevators. There should be signs pointing you to User Support. Common meeting places are: * 812 -- User Training room * The central table within User Support office * The cubicle of a User Support Engineer ................................................... Training Opportunities =============================== The New User Training sessions will cover the basic topics of utilizing the CRC Resources. If you have not completed this course, please do so. You do not have to be a new user to register for the free training, if you'd like to refresh your memory on proper usage of the cluster you're more than welcome to register. Other training events which could prevent future issues can be found on the :ref:`new-user-training` page.