.. _login_scripts: ################################################# Login Scripts ################################################# The login activity on CRC systems is handled through a few handy scripts. These scripts can be modified to provide additional desired functionality, but there are a few items which must be preserved in order to maintain proper usage of CRC services. Shell Config ================================================= There are two supported interactive shells: ``bash`` and ``tcsh``. Each shell has a configuration script which you can modify to customize your shell experience (prompt, aliases, etc). Be careful to not modify / remove the content which is already supplied when your account is new. .. note:: Each login configuration script is actually a symlink to the real file within your ``~/Public/`` directory. For this reason, it is extremely important to `NOT REMOVE` your Public directory. Bash ------------------------------------------------ The bash configuration script is located at ``~/.bashrc``. An example of the default (and what is necessary) ``bash`` config script is as follows: .. code-block:: shell if [ -r /opt/crc/Modules/current/init/bash ]; then source /opt/crc/Modules/current/init/bash fi if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc fi The above will configure your shell to work seamlessly with the module environment. Note that if these lines are removed, modules will be inaccessible. tcsh ------------------------------------------------- Similarly to ``bash`` above, the default tcsh login script is located at ``~/.cshrc``. The default contents are: .. code-block:: tcsh if ( -r /opt/crc/Modules/current/init/csh ) then source /opt/crc/Modules/current/init/csh endif ................................................ Login Problems ================================================ If you are having troubles logging in, the first item would be to verify if you have a CRC account. Your CRC password will be the same as your ND password. If you are having troubles, login to `okta `__ to verify your password. Module not found upon Logging in ------------------------------------------------ If your login scripts have become corrupted, moved, or deleted in some way, you will not be able to access modules. You may be seeing other errors as well if your ``PATH`` variable is also corrupted. To completely reset your login scripts, you can use the following:: /opt/crc/usr/local/bin/crc_setup Be sure to log out, and log back in. At this point your login scripts should be reset. If you're still experiencing issues, contact us at CRCSupport@nd.edu. Quota Limit ------------------------------------------------- If you're seeing strange errors while logged in, another item to check is your quota. It is possible the system is not able to write any lock files.:: quota If you're at 100%, remove any older files you no longer need. You can sort for the largest files with:: du | sort -n